Study, Work, and Live in UK

Explore the rich opportunities for study, work, and life in the United Kingdom (UK), encompassing England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. As one of the world’s oldest

monarchies, the UK boasts a storied history, having once governed a quarter of the globe during the height of the British Empire. Its cultural legacy includes luminaries such as Shakespeare and The Beatles, with London serving as a global hub for finance and culture.

Today, the UK ranks as a developed nation with the fifth-largest nominal GDP globally and the ninth-largest by purchasing power parity. It was the first industrialized country and a leading global power through much of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The UK enjoys a temperate climate with mild summers and winters that occasionally feature significant snowfall in elevated areas.


  • Capital: London
  • Capital: London
  • Population: Approximately 63.23 million
  • GDP: $2.435 trillion
  • Number of Universities: 109
  • Foreign Student Enrolment 2018/2019: 485,646
  • Currency: Pound Sterling (GBP)
  • Official Language: English

Why Study in UK?

Education System

The UK hosts some of the world’s oldest and most renowned universities, including four ranked in the global top ten. It offers a diverse range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs known for their academic excellence. Students benefit from shorter course durations, including options for one-year master’s programs and opportunities to study with or without IELTS requirements. The UK also provides affordable tuition fees and numerous scholarships for international students, enhancing accessibility to quality education.

Graduates can take advantage of a two-year post-study work visa, providing valuable career opportunities and access to the UK labor market. The UK’s education system comprises colleges, universities, and institutions of higher education, offering a comprehensive range of study options across various disciplines.


  • Tuition Cost: Approximately £10,000 per year (varies by institution)

Cost of Living: £11,385 (Inner London, 9 months) / £9,135 (Outer London, 9 months)


Universities typically offer intakes in January and September, with some providing additional start dates in February, April, May, October, and November.


Upon completing their studies, students can apply for a two-year post-study work visa (PSW) under the Graduate Immigration Route (GIR). This visa enables graduates to pursue employment in the UK and potentially transition to a skilled work visa afterward. The UK’s point-based immigration system supports STEM graduates and professionals seeking permanent residency


Students are typically required to demonstrate English proficiency through tests such as IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, or equivalents. Waivers may be available for eligible candidates, depending on the program level.


  • University of Oxford
  • University of Cambridge
  • Imperial College London
  • UCL London
  • University of Edinburgh
  • King’s College London
  • London School of Economics and Political Science
  • University of Manchester
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Glasgow

Discover the myriad opportunities awaiting you in the UK, where academic excellence meets cultural richness and vibrant career prospects.